- Date added 29. 09. 2022
Emancipation not only gave women the right to vote, but especially brought an overall change in thinking. Women began to believe more in their abilities and gradually became involved in professions that are traditionally considered as suitable for men. Today, no one demur at woman programmer, judge or top doctor (although the first Czech doctor of medicine graduated only in 1902!).
Women are increasingly appearing in traditional “male” crafts. This is not only thanks to their overcoming the shyness to try a profession that is not usual for a woman. Vocational schools are desperately struggling to survive, as interest in them is declining every year. That's why they try to entice every clever hand to study crafts - including the woman's hands.
There are sometimes prejudices against women in the workshop: that they are not physically fit enough for their jobs, that they should not meddle in decent male’s tasks, or that they should just stick to traditional women's professions and work as a hairdresser or pastry-cook.
Fortunately, there are women who refute similar views with their work, such as the Markéta, crane operator, in an interview for Metro daily.
{QUOTE: In four years of my work, I've only had to left two construction sites. There were men that couldn't stand a woman on a crane. They thought that women belonged to the kitchen, to the family, and were not suitable for this male's job. Otherwise, the guys are mostly great. Sometimes we have a quarrel, but it's a construction site.;; Markéta, woman crane operator}
Woman welder KateÅina also praises her work in the team of men. In an interview with Women iPrima, she says that her friends were surprised at first:
{QUOTE: But then they understood that I wanted to prove something in the field, to be good, so they respected it. You know, it's not a quite scented, clean job, but this never bothered me. It is a craft where the main role is played by man/woman and not by machine. And I enjoy it.;;KateÅina, woman welder}
Also abroad, women appear in professions that used to be exclusively male domain. One such profession is, for example, slicing of traditional dried Spanish ham. Ham slicers (so-called cortadors) are highly respected masters and regularly show their art at various competitions. This year, for the first time, a woman, Puri Garabay, was in the finals of the national competition. She takes her participation as an inspiration for other women:
{QUOTE: They may say, let's see how far we've come. Women often underestimate themselves and are afraid of the conditions of these competitions, where slicing is a real show. The thickness of the cut slice, the decoration of the plate, the clothes, the speed.;;Puri Garabay
Angela Cochrane and Kristy Olychick have embarked on much more demanding work, studying coopers in Britain. They will have four years of study and relatively physically demanding work. But both women really enjoy the craft and take it as a challenge.
{QUOTE: It's a lot harder than I thought, and when I get home in the evening, I'm really exhausted. At the same time, it's exciting to think I'm going to contribute to the next generation of whiskey.;;Angela}
So how to deal with the argument that women do not have enough force for more physically demanding work? After all, slicing a ham (although it is still mainly a male’s domain) is a relatively fine job and even crane control requires mainly feeling, patience and a firm hand, rather than hard force.
In our imagination, a classic workshop is usually a place full of weathered benches, piles of heavy tools and work dirt. Fortunately, time has progressed and the modern workshop is full of light, practical mobile furniture and other gadgets that can make work a lot easier (not only for women). Heavier devices and tools ca be comfortably transported on a mobile workbench. A workshop trolley is the best helper for every worker (man or woman), as thanks to it most frequently used tools are always at hand. Castors with a brake are a must - the last thing you need at work is to chase your trolley throughout the workshop.
And the idea of the workshop as a room full of grey tin boxes is also wrong. Modern workshop cabinets are available in all the colours of rainbow, you can choose your own colour for the body, drawers and doors (colour scheme). Glazed workshop cabinets offer a practical solution, as you can easily find in them what you are looking for, even without opening the door. Don't worry about shards, this is of course safety tempered glass.
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